Monday, August 31, 2009

Update: People of the Parish - Kenneth and Barbara

I was privileged to work on Kenneth and Barbara's home in May 2009. This was the first home rebuilt by St. Bernard Project as they expand into Orleans Parish.

Kenneth is the full-time caretaker for Barbara, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Kenneth's gratitude to St. Bernard Project is evident as he credits them being his "angels" by "putting my mind at ease because now I have a home. . .they gave me a light at the end of a long tunnel."

St. Bernard Project put Kenneth and Barbara's home on a fast track rebuild. Kenneth and Barbara had inadvertently purchased and installed Chinese drywall (see Chief Stone's story below), which causes health problems and erodes electrical wires and components. The drywall needed to come down, and a new rebuild begun. Because of St. Bernard Project, they were back in their home within just a few weeks.

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