Mike Morrison, Lindsey Meyer, Lindsay Swick, and Katie Repineare four of the students from Black Hills High School coordinating a trip to
St. Bernard Parish, LA, to help rebuild a home destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Lindsey Meyer visited St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, in July. She was moved to help make a difference when she witnessed the thousands of homeowners who still need help getting back home. So, she texted her friends to see who would be interested in traveling to the area over spring break to volunteer for St. Bernard Project to help rebuild a home. To date, six teens and three parents have joined her team.
One stumbling block is raising funds for their journey. To date, there are two fundraising efforts under way:
- Holiday Tea and Fashion Show at Schmidt Mansion on Sunday December 14th from 1:00-2:30 pm. Ticket price is $20.
- Tumwater Auto Spa car wash tickets - $6 car wash tickets available - great stocking stuffers!
For more information on either of these fundraising activities, email helpstbernardproject@gmail.com
Fashion Show sponsored by Weddings With Joy and Ambience Salon